If you’re looking for garden design ideas, this page has been created to give you essential information and advice. Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for the layout and planting of gardens. Acacia Gardens is a London garden design and build company committed to providing clients with a garden that realises their brief. To find out more about garden design ideas, please read on.
Compiling a comprehensive garden design brief is essential for achieving your desired outdoor space. Communicate your vision, preferences, and garden use to the design company, considering factors like family members, pets and maintenance. Determine your design style based on property period or personal preference, whether it’s a traditional English Garden or a contemporary layout. Specify both hard and soft landscaping requirements, including paths, seating and plant selection. Consider outdoor lighting and irrigation for added functionality. Seek inspiration from neighbours, online platforms like Pinterest, or gardening magazines to fuel your creative vision.
The garden design you end up with is only as good as the brief you can provide. The more information you can give the garden design company, the better. It should include your vision, preferences, style, desires, requirements and garden use.
Key considerations should include the ease of garden maintenance, so be realistic about how much time you can devote to gardening. If you have pets, this should be accounted for because a dog might dig up your new lawn. The age of your children and whether they play in the garden are also important. Other considerations are the position of your garden (sunny or shady), privacy, and security.
Think about how you are going to use your garden. Do you want to dine alfresco, entertain friends with a barbecue, let your dog have the run of your backyard or potter around atten
Deciding on your garden design style could be very easy, or you might not have a clue. Quite often, the period of your property will give you a helping hand. For example, a cottage in the country would lend itself to a typical English Garden. If you want an easy-to-maintain garden, then you might prefer a contemporary design.
Hard landscaping includes paths, fences, walls, decking and built-in seating, which should be communicated to the garden designer.
Soft landscaping includes planting that considers sun and shady spots in your garden. The variety of planting, from style to colour, is also important. For example, if you want a contemporary garden, then architectural plants would be appropriate.
Garden lighting is another consideration, especially if you want to enjoy your garden in the evening. Motion sensor lights are worth adding to your list if you want to enhance your security.
Make watering your garden easy. Either have an outside tap fitted or a sprinkler system installed.
For garden design inspiration, look at what your neighbours have done with their gardens. Pinterest is a great place to find beautiful photographs of planting and gardens. You can also flick through a garden or horticultural magazine.
Please click here to take a look at our Pinterest boards for garden inspiration. These pictures are not all owned by Acacia Gardens and show the work of other companies. They are images either from the Pinterest community or discovered online. You can click on each image to locate the source.
Contact Details
London Office
Phone: 020 8800 3866
Email: info@acacia-gardens.co.uk
Acacia Gardens Ltd, Garden Office,
483 Green Lanes, London N13 4BS
Hertfordshire Office
5 Rowlatt Drive, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL3 4NA
Company Details
Acacia Gardens Limited
Registered in England and Wales under company no: 7402001, VAT Reg: 137 7386 82
Registered office: Southgate Office Village, 286B Chase Road, London N14 6HF
Opening Times
Monday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Tuesday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Wednesday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Thursday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Friday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Saturday 8:00AM – 6:00PM
Sunday ClosedSign up to our Newsletter